Our data is a powerful tool. It can be weaponized against us by surveillance technologies and the state. It can also be used to advocate for ourselves and to organize our communities.
Low tech data collection tools help us keep our information in the hands of people we trust rather than corporate servers and data brokers.
And Also Too in partnership with the Consentful Tech Project is creating the Analog Data Kit — a set of pen-and-paper tools to help people track data about themselves and their communities. If you have any feedback on these tools or ideas for new ones, please get in touch by emailing datakit@consentfultech.io
My Health Data

My Health Data was created to provide people — especially elders and those who are sick and disabled — with a tool to take back control of our personal health data.
This printable 36-page booklet helps you track symptoms, variables like diet and exercise, menstrual cycles, test results and more.
Printed copies of My Health Data will be available soon!
Meeting Scheduling Poll

The Meeting Scheduling Poll was created as an analog alternative to systems like Doodle.
This one-page sheet helps organizers find the best meeting slots across many people’s availability.
Meeting Scheduling Poll photo courtesy of Hernease Davis.
Concept and Graphic Design: And Also Too